About our Podiatrists
Meet Joanne Lane and Norma Hughes
Armadale podiatry Clinic Mission Statement
At Armadale Podiatry Clinic, our mission is to treat all people with respect, acknowledge their concerns,
educate and support them to successfully improve their health from the feet up

Joanne Lane
After graduating in the early 1990s I started working in a private practice in Kingsley 2 days a week, Carlisle Senior Citizens clinic 1 day a week and 12 months later started a new private clinic in Leeming.
Living in Rockingham at the time I found Kingsley was a long drive (dont forget this was pre Kwinana Freeway days), so in late 1994 I sold the Leeming clinic, ceased working north of the river, and whilst on Maternity leave I purchased Armadale Podiatry Clinic.
Starting work in Armadale part time was a great way to balance a new baby and work life, and over the years I found the clinic grew nicely to the stage when in 2000 I moved it to larger newer premises.
With 2 children in primary school and having moved to Canning Vale I was able to start another private practice 700 metres from home and opposite the childrens school which was a great way to balance children and work.
I sold this clinic to my lovely employee as my children moved up into High School and became more independent.
Armadale Podiatry grew quickly in the new premises and in 2018 I was thrilled when Norma Hughes returned to WA and was able to join me and in 2019 become my business partner.
Clinically I have interests in the Diabetic Foot focusing on prevention of foot complications and management, and diabetic foot care education.
I also have interests in conservative management of injuries to the lower leg and foot, rehabilitation after injury and orthotic therapy.
Over the years I have enjoyed a strong working relationship with other local Podiatrists, GP clinics and Podiatry clinics at Armadale Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital in order to provide my clients with any options available to aid their treatment.
In my spare time I enjoy short trips in my caravan with my partner and my furry friend Tilly the Lhasa Apso.
Recent family “Camping Cousins” trips have been a great passtime.

Norma Hughes
After graduating and working in Perth for a year, Norma moved over east to Brisbane where she worked in private practice and then became the sole podiatrist for the Central Western region, based at Longreach hospital. Most of the work involved travelling to the surrounding towns in a 4WD and by plane to towns such as Birdville and Boulia. “I really enjoyed living in Longreach as the people in the smaller communities were very friendly and really appreciated the services I could provide to them. I also got to see and appreciate the beauty of the Australian outback every day and would see some pretty amazing sites on my daily travels such as huge flocks of wild green budgies flying in a massive swirling green cloud, or a female emu with a dozen fluffy chicks running along the roadside.”
After moving to Tamworth with her husband’s job, Norma worked part time at the Diabetic clinic at the Tamworth base hospital and opened her own private clinic in town. After 8 successful years, Norma’s husband was once again moved to the town of Dubbo so Norma sold her Tamworth clinic to her employee and set up another clinic in the main street of Dubbo. “My time in Dubbo was also a wonderful experience. Dubbo had all the facilities of a larger country centre but still that sense of community where people were friendly and cared about each other. I was really sad to leave but my aging parents back here in Perth needed my help, so in 2016 I sold my clinic to my employee and we drove back across the Nullarbor to start another adventure here in Perth.”
“Having kept in touch with Jo over the years while I was away, she reached out to me when I returned and I worked for her one day a week for about 18 months before she offered me a partnership in her clinic in August 2018. I’m really enjoying working with Jo on a daily basis and it’s wonderful to be able to bounce ideas off each other, especially with Jo’s extensive biomechanical experience. Armadale and the people in this area remind me of the country areas and country people that I used to see, so I really enjoy being part of Armadale Podiatry Clinic.”
Clinically I am interested in geriatric care, diabetes, dry needling and western acupuncture. I also incorporate other training that I have done in Medical Qi Gong to facilitate healing. In my spare time, I teach Yin yoga at my home studio and incorporate my other passion of sound therapy which involves playing bowls and gongs to clear energetic blockages from the physical body and allows the body to heal itself. I also collect Doc Marten boots and currently have around 75 pairs of boots. Sadly, I have had to retire a couple of pairs but they are having a happy retirement in my clinic room as flower pots!

How Do I Get Started?
Are you eligible for a GP Care Plan
Ask your regular Doctor if you are eligible for a GP Care plan subsidised by medicare?
Book an Appointment
1st Appointments take longer
Please allow 40 minutes for a first visit appointment, this is because it is necessary to do a full assessment of your feet.